Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Who can enter?

All work submitted must have been published by a news media organisation (newspapers and digital publications,) which is either headquartered in or extensively published in the United Kingdom.

What is the eligibility period?

All work submitted must have been published from 1st November 2023 to 31st October 2024.

I am a freelancer, can I apply?

We encourage freelancers to apply into the Press Awards and offer a discounted rate of £50.00 + VAT per entry (increase to £150 + VAT from 4th December).

Please contact [email protected] to apply for the discounted freelancer rate.

What should be included in the citation?

The citation should be written in third person and should include information about the entry including information about the nominee (if an individual category), information about the work submitted and any relevant data that will support the entry.

What images should I submit?

We require two images to be uploaded for each entry. If you are entering an individual category then one image should be a headshot and one image should be of the work submitted. If your entry is for the team categories, this should be two images of the work submitted. All images submitted should be JPEG or PNG and high resolution. 

How many examples of work do I need to submit?

For all categories (excluding Newspaper of the Year Daily and Sunday) you will need to submit a maximum of three examples of work. For Newspaper of the Year (Daily and Sunday), you need to submit five examples of work - two examples of the newspaper itself and three examples of individual articles etc. 

Can I submit a Wetransfer link of our examples of work?

You can submit a Wetransfer link however this link needs to be valid until the end of judging (end of February). 

If links expire the judges will be unable to access the work during the judging process. 

When is the last chance I can amend my entry?

You will have up until the Wednesday 18th December to amend your entry. 

You will not get charged for making any amendments to your entry.

Is there a max MB limit per upload?

50MB per upload

Can I submit any work that has a joint byline?

You can submit up to one example of work that has a joint byline but the individual's contribution to the article must be clarified in the entry.

When and how will we find out who has been shortlisted?

The shortlist will be announced in February.

We will email everyone that has directly submitted the entries along with posting on our website and social media (@PressAwardsuk)