Burning Up
Daily Mirror
But those two words captured the essence of the story.
This summer southern Europe experienced a record heatwave. Temperatures reached 45C in Sardinia, 45.2C in Spain and 46.3C in Sicily. Lives were put at risk by the extreme heat and the wildfires that swept through Mediterranean countries.
The Mirror’s front page conveyed perfectly the urgency and seriousness of this unprecedented weather event. It featured a striking photograph of a Greek police officer carrying a small boy to rescue as fires raged in the background.
But what made this front page stand out was not just the drama of the image and the bold use of yellow in the headline. It was the way it remained true to the Mirror’s editorial values by reminding readers the heatwave was a direct consequence of global warming.
As the accompanying words on left-hand side said: “this is the terrifying reality of today’s climate crisis.” This was a front-page in the best traditions of tabloid journalism: telling a story with power and integrity in a way that gripped the reader.