The Observer

The Observer has enjoyed a strong year, winning awards for its ground-breaking journalism and securing record audiences online as well as a growing market share on the newsstands. 

Its powerful progressive editorial stance on issues ranging from immigration to the legacy of Brexit, global heating to gender politics sets it apart from its weekend competitors, and has meant the Observer's voice is heard loudly in national debates. It has broken vital stories on issues ranging from the fate of kidnapped asylum seeking children to the Department for Education monitoring the social media activity of leading educational experts, the hidden lobbying of health providers to modern slavery in our care system. 

Its team of commentators - featuring Andrew Rawnsley and Sonia Sodha, Kenan Malik and Catherine Bennett, Will Hutton, David Olusoga and Martha Gill - is second to none. The Observer’s pages have a worldview, a standpoint – liberal, open, plural. This pluralism has meant that we’ve become the central arena for the most fascinating, if tricky, debates of our times. The Observer's New Review supplement maintained the paper's long-established reputation for fine, in-depth cultural coverage, brilliant interviews and features from the likes of Tim Adams and Rachel Cooke, and for the quality of its critics, from Susannah Clapp (theatre) to Laura Cumming (art), Fiona Maddocks (classical music) to Rowan Moore (architecture), Mark Kermode (film) to Kitty Empire (pop) and Barbara Ellen (TV). New Review is unique in the quality newspaper market. Alongside its coverage of the best new arts, culture and books we also cover science, politics, current affairs and tech. The Observer magazine brings refreshing energy to the mix with highly popular regulars such as Eva Wiseman and Philippa Perry. 

As well as our main features, we’ve continued to provide outstanding coverage of fashion, beauty, interiors, gardening, and award-winning food writing from our adored columnists, Nigel Slater and Jay Rayner. Observer Food Monthly delivers far more than celebrity chefs and something to cook at the weekend. Food is at the centre of culture, driving debates about politics and the environment: the magazine is at the heart of those discussions, with a truly global perspective. In a challenging newspaper market The Observer has seen success in attracting readers to support and subscribe across the last 12 months, increasing the Observer’s share in the quality newspaper market across the past 12 months. This has been mirrored by a highly successful online performance. Between 1st October 2022 and 30th September 2023, the Observer received 844 million online page views, with a high of 82 million in October 2022 alone. So the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper continues to flourish across different platforms, and to serve as a home for the finest liberal journalism.