The Telegraph
The Telegraph
From the war in Ukraine to the rewriting of Roald Dahl, subscribers to The Telegraph’s online edition could immerse themselves in agenda-setting exclusives and ground-breaking visual storytelling. The forensic investigation into leaked WhatsApp messages between the Health Secretary, ministers and advisers, shed new light on how Covid decisions were made, and – presented using animated messages ‘delivered’ in real-time – resulted in the site’s second-biggest ever day for new subscriptions.
The King’s coronation was a showpiece of online big-event coverage, and included a detailed 3D tour of Westminster Abbey, while a story on the rewriting of Dahl’s books to take out potentially offensive language brimmed with animated examples and prompted comment from the Queen and Salman Rushdie – and a U-turn by the publishers.
The site beat its target of one million subscriptions in 2023, with subscriber page views rising by 13 per cent, overall page views by 10 per cent, comment by 37 per cent and app visits by 19 per cent, making The Telegraph the fastest-growing digital subscriptions news publisher in the UK.
Judges called the website “an outstanding product, which uses excellent design in an imaginative and innovative way to maximise some of the most important stories of the year.”